OASE | Catalogue 2015 - page 86

Filter systems from OASE:
Clear water guaranteed* 
P. 250
Every garden owner has their own idea of
how they would like to design their garden
with water. Consequently every body of
water has its very individual requirements
on a filter system. Whether large or small,
with or without fish stock – the perfectly
matched products from OASE make it easy
for you to find the right solution.
A filter system consists of:
• A filter pump to feed the filter
• A pond filter that ensures biological / 
mechanical cleaning, and
• A UVC clarifier to eliminate suspended
algae and reduce pathogens.
Whether an underwater filter, pressure
filter, flow-through filter, or a module
filter is used depends on factors such as,
pond type, pond volume and fish stock.
Depending on the type of the body of water,
its size and depending on fish stock, you
select an underwater filter, pressure filter,
flow-through filter, or module filter. If the
filter must perform multiple functions, such
as feeding a watercourse or serving as part
of a fountain system, we recommend that
you include these functions in your plan-
ning. When the fish stock increases, you
should also consider increased performance
of the filter. The higher the nutrient input
due to more fish in the pond, the more capa-
city the filter should have.
The most important prerequisite for selecting
the suitable filter system is the correct deter­
mination of the quantity of water in the pond
(= pond volume):
Pond volume in m
Length x Width x Depth / 2
(for rectangular pools, only L x W x D)
3 m x 4 m x 1 m/ 2 = 6 m
equals 6000 litres
Filters & Aerators
Filter systems
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